Run like a gIrl Australia

A warm welcome to the beginning of something wonderful



It's hard to believe it's taken this long to get this started.

Whilst this is a platform for all of the coaches to contribute, it will be written mostly by head coach (me) Danielle (aka Dani) Bryan. I'm not here to talk about me right now, so if you want to read about what I've done on the running scene, competitively and as a coach, you can head over to my profile on the page.

This blog will be full of information & education, news updates, race reports, up & coming events, member profiles & journeys and more.

I want to welcome any points of interest you as the reader, the athlete, the new runner, the curious, anyone might have.

In the mean time, let me touch on the real aspects of running and life.

Much love to you all.

Dani x

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2024 Beginner Courses start:

8th January
4th March
29th April
24th June
19th August
14th October
Book a Course!